Monday, April 30, 2012

When Grandma Fisher Is Here...

...we all benefit.  How?  Well, let me show you...  :)

1. She does our laundry.  It's really nice to have plenty of clean clothes to wear.  :)

2. She gives input in the garden and lends a helping hand.

3. She gives the boys lots of attention and is willing to play game after game with Othello with Josiah...
...and Guess Who with David...
...and Monopoly with both of them, while Superman Tobin sits on her lap.  :)

4. She reads stories to Shav (and Tobin, when he's not off saving the world somewhere).  ;-)

I don't have pictures of these next two, but we appreciate them immensely...

5. She cooks for us.  In the first few weeks after Moriah's birth, we were abundantly blessed with meals from friends, but now Jeff's mom is the chief cook around here.

6. She does dishes and cleans up the kitchen.

7. And last but not least, she's always willing to hold Moriah.  :)
It's a tough job, but she's good at it.  ;-)

We are so blessed by her presence here in our home!!!


Anonymous said...

whew she made me tired just looking at all the things she has been working on! Love the picture of her with Moriah!

Caroline said...

I know you know this...but you are truly blessed to have a mother-in-law like her! Would she like to come down to SC to love on my family?

Valerie said...

What a blessing to have such a wonderful MIL! If she ever wants to visit TX, I'll gladly prepare a room for her. :)

Sally said...

I hope God gives me the grace to be just like "Grandma Fisher" when I get to be a grandmother! What a blessing. God knew just what you needed in a mother-in-law.

Davene Grace said...

Caroline, I'll send her to SC when she's finished here...and then, Valerie, she can stop in TX on her way back to CA. I'm sure she won't mind if we adjust her schedule for her. ;-)

I can't believe I forgot to mention another HUGE way she's helping me. She is a morning person through and through, and I am just the opposite. She wakes up early in the morning and does her morning stuff, hangs clothes out on the line, or whatever...and then is available to help the boys when they wake up. She has completely taken over the breakfast duties, and she keeps them happily occupied in the morning. And me? Well, Moriah has been immediately going back to sleep after her first morning feeding, so I do the same! I've been able to sleep in til mid-morning, and that is an unbelievable help right now. The night wakings don't seem bad at all when I know that I'll be able to get that extra sleep in the mornings! :)