Friday, April 13, 2012

2nd & 5th

David is in love...
 ...with his baby sister.
 He actually gets grumpy when he doesn't get enough snuggle time with her...
 ...which makes for special times like yesterday morning when he was the first boy out of bed and got to have her all to himself.
David's name means "beloved," and Moriah's middle name, being the feminine form of David, means the same thing.  I pray these two will always be beloved to each other.


Sally said...

I just love this! Seeing all your older children love and cuddle so much their newborn sister makes me wish we would have a new baby when our children are older. You have some really sweet boys, and Moriah is exceptionally blessed to have them for brothers.

Valerie said...

Oh, these pictures just melted my heart. So sweet!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

These photos sure warm the heart :)

Anonymous said...

He looks quite smitten with his little sister!