Monday, April 16, 2012

One Week on the Outside

Life is so full right now--in a very rich, meaningful way.  Let's see...  Today Josiah had his first rehearsal of the Shenandoah Valley Boychoir.  My much-loved Aunt Joyce and Uncle Jay are visiting from Canada; they're staying with my parents.  Tomorrow is David's 7th birthday.  And Jeff's mom arrives on Wednesday from California to stay four weeks with us!

And besides all of that, there just happens to be a very special someone in our family who celebrated her one-week birthday (is there such a thing?) today.  ;-)  In honor of the occasion, here's a quick (maybe) recap of her first week of life.  Life on the outside, that is.  ;-)

Monday - 4/9 - She was born!  Birth story in progress.  ;-)

Tuesday - 4/10 - Moriah and I came home from the hospital in the early afternoon.  Our amazingly generous and unfailingly kind friends Becky and and her daughter Kathryn were here at our house with the boys, and they had decorated the house in beautiful pink while they awaited our return; Becky also had dinner waiting for us.  This is Kathryn holding Moriah shortly after we got home.  :)
Our friends Dale and Diana and their daughter Tess came by that evening to visit.  This is Tess...
 ...and David, who never wants to miss out on a chance to be around people and be part of the action.  :)
 This is Diana...
Also that evening, my sister Donna came over to meet her new niece (see what I mean about David always wanting to be in on the action? this picture just makes me laugh!)...
 ...and she stayed to eat dinner with us.
 I didn't take any pictures of this, but our next-door neighbors, the Shanks, came over that evening, too.  Everybody wanted to meet Moriah and take a turn holding her.  :)  I was glad to be home and to have my family together again.

Wednesday - 4/11 - Jeff is normally off on Wednesday, so of course that made life easier.  In the morning, he took all four boys out for breakfast, leaving Moriah and I in peace and quiet here at home.  In the afternoon, while Tobin and Shav had quiet time, Jeff took Josiah and David to their violin lessons.  This day had some challenging moments, especially in terms of the boys' behavior.  It helped to remember that each of them was making a huge adjustment as we all got used to having a new baby in the house.

Thursday - 4/12 - This is when the dam broke, and my tears flowed most freely.  Jeff had taken this day off work, for which I was very thankful.  He took care of the boys, and I took Moriah and headed for my bedroom to hide out and cry in peace.  After letting the tears fall, then napping with Moriah on my chest, the world seemed a little brighter; and I was able to emerge from my self-imposed exile around midday, feeling a greater sense of self-control and optimism.

In reality, the flood of tears didn't surprise me one bit.  I always have at least one day like that, and it was actually a pretty convenient time for it.  I knew my blue mood wouldn't last forever.  :)

Later that day, Jeff took David to his group violin lesson; and in the approximately hour and a half that he was gone, three challenging incidents took place that left me feeling like maybe I wasn't up for the task of mothering five children!  First and worst was the Shav and the Big Water incident, AKA How to Mop Your Kitchen Floor without Even Trying (or Wanting to!).  ;-)  I had been in the living room nursing Moriah and patting myself on the back because Tobin and Shav were standing on chairs at the kitchen sink, happily playing with spoons and cups, etc. in the water and, for the most part, getting along really well.  I was pleased because I hadn't gone the easy route and automatically turned on a movie for them while Jeff was gone.  Here they were, engaged in creative play; and all was well.  I went upstairs with Moriah, to change her diaper, I suppose; and then I came downstairs.  And then I discovered that there was water rolling off the kitchen counter and onto the floor.  It wasn't Tobin--by that point in time, he had lost interest and wandered off.  No, it was all Shav.  Rather than pouring the water back into the sink or into a cup in the dish drainer or something like that, he was pouring water into a colander-type thing that we use to hold kitchen scraps before taking them out to the compost pile.  Lo and behold, it has holes in the bottom; and since it was sitting on the counter, the water Shav was so faithfully pouring into it kept rolling right out the bottom of the container....rolling down the counter...rolling onto the floor...making a huge mess.  In my emotional frame of mind, I couldn't help it: the tears just came and I couldn't make them stop as I grabbed towels and started mopping up the mess.  Earlier that day, while I was hiding out in my bedroom, my friend Julie S. had come by (I didn't know it until later because I was asleep when she came) and had given me a copy of the CD, Hidden in My Heart (which is a wonderful CD of lullabies using the words of Scripture).  It happened to be playing there in the kitchen while the What Are You Doing with That Water, Shav? incident was happening; and as I, in my three-days-postpartum state, was on my hands and knees sopping up the water on the floor, a song with the words, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," came on.  I'll admit to doubting the word of God at that moment.  Through my tears, I thought, "Maybe that promise doesn't apply to me.  Maybe it only applies to people whose names are NOT Davene and who don't have five children!!" Josiah was very tender and sympathetic, which was very sweet; but still, all I could do was cry as I wiped up the floor.

After that, I got Tobin and Shav set up with Starfall on the computer, and I settled down to finish nursing Moriah.  And then I heard...uh oh...more water.  Shav was peeing.  He was sitting in a rocking chair, and the pee was running right down through the slats.  And the thing is, he was wearing a diaper!  I knew that with having my hands full, it wasn't an ideal time for me to be jumping up and taking him to the bathroom, so I hadn't put him in underwear, trying to make life a little easier.  But even still, he was wetting his pants...and the chair...and the floor underneath where a big puddle gathered.  Oh good grief!

I cleaned up Moriah latched on to nurse...then heard a big crash.  Even though he really wasn't rocking vigorously, Shav had somehow managed to get the rocking chair to tip over backwards, and he and the chair had hit the floor.  Wails!  Loud lamentations!  Tears--from Shav, this time!  As it turned out, he wasn't badly hurt, although at first I was worried that he had hit the floor hard with his head.  I think he was more shocked than hurt, but he still needed an extra dose of consolation and TLC.  I thought Moriah would loudly protest the interruption of her dinner, but she actually lay on the couch quite peacefully and waited for all the commotion to cease.  You might guess that, at this point, I was crying right along with Shav; but on the contrary, I had gotten past the tears stage and moved into the laughter one.  It was all just so ridiculous, and I wondered, if I couldn't prevent three bad things happening in the short amount of time Jeff was gone that evening, how I would ever manage the next day when he was back to work!  But I decided that, if I was going to laugh in a year's time about all the little trials and tribulations of that evening, I might as well start laughing now.  ;-)

I was so grateful that, on top of everything else, I didn't have to think about making supper.  Sally brought it, and it was delicious!  :)

At some point during this day, I took a picture of Josiah holding Moriah in her favorite way: snuggled chest to chest.  But such a serene picture doesn't come close to accurately representing the chaos and upheaval of that day!  :)

Friday - 4/13 - After all my anxiety about Jeff's first day back to work, it turned out to be an incredibly wonderful day, made possible by Becky and Kathryn taking the boys to their house for the majority of the day and Emily Sacra (along with her able assistant!) coming here to take pictures of Moriah.
 I'll eventually post some pictures from that photo shoot here on the blog; but for now, you can take a look on Emily's blog to see the cuteness she captured.  ;-)
That evening was a violin recital for both Josiah and David, and I was so happy to get to accompany them - so proud of my boys!  Meanwhile, Becky and Kathryn brought Tobin and Shav back here to our house and got them ready for bed.  But first, a little storytime...
 ...and Kathryn got to hold Moriah again.  :)
 Saturday - 4/14 - A good day.  Even though this was more of a test of "how are we going to make it when Daddy is at work?" than the day before (because on this day, the boys were with me, not gone), it turned out fine.  One thing that has been helping immensely is that, even on the days when Jeff works, he schedules himself a lunch break to come home and give me a hand in the middle of the day.  It might seem like a small thing, but it makes a huge difference!

On this day, I snapped these pictures of David who was eager to go with me to get Moriah from her crib...or rather, to climb into her crib and be with her there!
 He sure loves his little sister.  :)
On Saturday evening, after a scrumptious meal that our next-door neighbor brought over, I gave Moriah her first bath--first bath after coming home, that is.  
 It wasn't a real bath, since she still has her stump of an umbilical cord; but it was enough to make sure she was clean and fresh-smelling.  :)
Sunday - 4/15 - A pleasant day, for the most part.  Church service in the morning where it was a lot of fun to introduce some friends to Moriah.  :)  A bite to eat at home.  Long, wonderful nap in the afternoon.  Visit with Michele who brought us dinner.  Relaxing time outside in the beautiful late afternoon/early evening air, watching Jeff water the garden and simultaneously squirt Josiah, David, and Tobin who tried to sneak up on him and "get" him but who almost always got soaked with the hose before they could reach him--much to their delight!  :)  There was one squally period during this evening: after we had come in but before we sat down to eat dinner, I had put Moriah in the swing, then held Shav on my lap in the rocking chair.  He was so tired that he actually went to sleep, and let me tell ya, it's been a long time since he fell asleep in my arms!  It was fun to rock there with him.  However, when I couldn't hold him anymore because I needed to get Moriah, he woke up and was NOT happy.  After plenty of tears from him, we somehow ended up on my bed: me nursing Moriah and trying to cuddle with Shav at the same time.  It sort of worked to soothe him.  When we finally sat down to eat supper, Shav ate and ate and ate and ate.  Part of his emotional outburst was probably due to the fact that he was so hungry!

This night was a great one for Moriah's sleep.  She only woke once to eat; and the rest of the time she was sleeping peacefully in her crib.  I'm grateful for this!

Monday - 4/16 - Finally, today!  It's been a great day.  Busy?  Full? Almost overflowing?  Yes.  But happy and thankful regardless.  After I dropped off Shav at my parents' house, Josiah at choir rehearsal, and David at the barber shop, Moriah, Tobin, and I went shopping for some last-minute things for David's birthday.  Moriah was perfect--sleeping peacefully through all of our stops, not uttering a peep of protest as I hauled her around.  She's a little angel.  :)

My dad weighed her tonight on his antique baby scales, and we discovered that she's 8 pounds.  Essentially, she's regained her birth weight, which means she's doing great in the eating department.  I could tell that from her full diapers.  ;-)

I don't know if all fifth children are this way, but Moriah is wonderfully peaceful, easy-going, content.  She rarely fusses; and if she does, she's relatively easily consoled.  She's learning to be happy in the baby swing and the bouncy seat and her crib, as well as in someone's arms.  
 I am completely head over heels in love with her, and I cherish each aspect of caring for her.  I love to nurse her, I love to dress her, I love to hold her and feel her curl up like a little ball against me.
 She's a jewel, and I am in awe of the gift God has given us in her.
Happy one-week birthday, darling Moriah.  You are so, SO loved!


Anonymous said...

I think I've commented on here once before, maybe when I first discovered it back in 2009?

Yours is the only blog I still read since I discovered it back then. I read it every morning while I eat my breakfast - it feels like a visit I have with a friend, though you don't know me! :)

I rejoice with you at having a little daughter now. What a precious gift from a loving Father! I'm sure it tickled Him to give you a daughter, especially after the sorrow of your miscarriage.

Blessings to your family!

Margie said...

Oh, Davene, I so remember those crazy "it's all happening at once and I don't think I can handle it" days. Was laughing and crying with you. Love that Moriah is peaceful, though, and not a fussy baby on top of it all. Her brothers are wonderful and you are doing a great job. Thanks so much for the update. You are in my thoughts often.

Valerie said...

Well you had a full first week! I'm still trying to figure out how you were able to come home from the hospital so quick. :)

I looked at the pictures Emily took.... WOW! They are amazing. I think my favorite - or one of em anyway - is Moriah holding onto the end of her hat. If I go back and look again I'm sure I'll pick another one. They were all so good. :)

Praying your days get easier as you all continue to adjust to being a family of 7.

Unknown said...


Thank you SO much for being so candid and real about your struggles! I've had a bit of anxiety knowing that we have another little one on the way, not knowing how it will all pan out with a 15 month old and a newborn! But, the Lord is gracious! Thank you for reminding me of that!!

Love you!

Emily said...

Oh my! What a lot to handle. If anyone can do it you can!! You have strength and grace and wisdom. Hopefully the days get easier as you get used to your "new normal".

Sally said...

You are doing so well! I thought I was the only one who had those all-disasters-happen-at-once days! I don't even need to have a newborn in the house to have them!

Anyway, thanks for this post. I hope this week brings even more leveling out for your family, and enough sleep for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Mom will be there soon!She was such a help to me those first months with the twins and still is. She loves to help and feel needed, so be honest with her about your needs. She is looking forward to coming. Remember-it's only a short term loan though :) In these teary days, remember it's all hormones talking. We love you-Kim

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Loving it all, Davene.... the photos, your accounts. Moriah is so beautiful, as are your gorgeous boys.
Love to y'all x

Anonymous said...

Davene, I occasionalyy read your posts and stuff. I thoroughly enjoy them. I appreciate your struggles and honesty and you are a gifted writer. I encourage you to use use use the gift God has given you more and more and in the future I believe great things are coming to you because of your writing.

Anonymous said...

Whew what a first week! Glad you are feeling better (the teary days are the hardest) the laughable days are much better! :-)