Friday, December 23, 2011

There's Something Sad in My Snack Closet

This is our snack closet.
 It's well-stocked right now, partly because of our large shopping trip on Wednesday and partly because Christmas is almost here and it's a good time for some special munchies.  :)  But there is one thing in this closet that makes me very sad.  Nestled between the peppermint patties and the pretzels is a large container of chocolate raisins.  Here's a better look:
 Did you notice?  It's almost empty!  And that makes me very sad.  Chocolate raisins are a big favorite of mine; and when I'm pregnant, I let myself indulge even more than normal.  After all, raisins are a good source of iron; and pregnant women need to consume extra iron.  ;-)  But how in the world am I going to get my iron now?
What's that you say?  I could always take iron pills?


Or I could eat raisins all by themselves?

Yes, that's true.  I could, and I will.  I do like raisins.  But to tell you the truth, I like them the best...

...when they're dipped in chocolate.  ;-)


Homeschool on the Croft said...

I love them too... and *love* that I can convince myself, and anyone else who will listen that this is really a very healthy snack. Anything that's nice by itself is surely 'doubley' nice dipped in chocolate ;)

Miriam said...

Oh, that IS very sad!! Maybe somebody will get you a new can for Christmas??

Anonymous said...

A trip to costco is certainly in order!

Sally said...

I'm just happy you can enjoy chocolate covered raisins. They aren't on my menu right now, but I'm not a big fan of them anyway. So, I hope you get more soon and can munch away! (If I had any here, I'd give them to you!)

Margie said...

And chocolate is supposed to produce happy babies! So chocolate're doing it for the next generation!

Valerie said...

now I want a peppermint patty. :)

Mike and Katie said...

Ha, ha! I never thought of the iron angle. :) I don't have any chocolate covered raisins but I do love the combination so I will pop a handful of chocolate chips in my mouth and then go grab some raisins and pop those in my mouth too. It works for me. At least, it did until the last month or so when I've been getting heartburn from everything yummy including granola, apple crisp and chocolate. :(

Amanda says, "Don't worry. When the new baby falls out then your tummy won't after eating granola." :)

Mike and Katie said...

Oops! "...won't hurt..."