Friday, April 8, 2011

When You're 9 Days Away from Turning 6...'s nearly impossible to go to sleep.

I know this, not from personal experience (because, although I have MANY wonderful memories from childhood, I do not have any recollection of how I felt at bedtime 9 days before my 6th birthday!), but because this little guy... (photo taken a few days ago, after he built a bed out of glorified popsicle sticks and, as is customary for him, wanted me to take a picture of it)
...informed me this evening that it is so.

He was still awake when I returned from a solitary after-Shav's-bedtime run to town (to look for the proper shirt for Josiah to wear for his concert tomorrow--ugh--the shirt saga is a whole other story, one which I don't have time to tell tonight).  I was glad to see David's smiling face and give him lots of hugs and kisses before sending him on his way back to bed.

But then, that dear boy kept popping out of bed.  I ran through my mental checklist of Why David Can't Sleep.

Was he sick?  No.  (Thank You, God!)
Did he have a nap today?  No.
Was his bedtime earlier than usual?  No, it was already quite late at this point.
Did he need a drink?  No, he already got one.
Was he scared or worried about something?  No, he didn't seem to be.

Finally, I had the bright idea to simply ask him, "David, what are you thinking about?"

"My birthday," he said with a quick, glowing smile.  "My presents."

Ah!  Mystery solved.

At last, what succeeded in keeping him in bed was this:  I picked up a soft cuddly blanket, blue with white stars, and wrapped it around him.  "David," I said, "this blanket is a symbol of my love tonight.  Take it with you up to bed, snuggle with it, and it will be as if I'm hugging you."

So he did.
And it worked.

Oh, David the Beloved, how precious you are in all your eagerness for your birthday to arrive.  But, sweet child of mine, six will come soon enough.  Though time, to you, seems to be crawling, these days of your youth, to me, are speeding by.  I delight in your growth; but at the same time, I know how much I'll miss my little boy David when you have become a man.  

And so, I sit up late at night, with the household peaceful and still around me, and I blog...because you, my treasured son, make my cup overflow with joy and laughter and love.

You are so, so loved.


Valerie said...

Loved this post. Such a sweet soon-to-be 6 year old you have there. :)

Sally said...

He is so precious! And already about to turn 6 years old? I didn't know he was that old yet. I'm sure he's ready for it. And, what a creative idea to get him to stay in bed and start sleeping. I hadn't thought of that one yet.

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Davene, you speak so beautifully to, and about, those dear little boys. It is truly heart-warming x

Sarah-Anne said...

this makes me cry, davene. you are so sweet to write this about your sweet boys. i only hope i can be half the mother you are. :)

Kristen said...

Wow, exciting! Sure hope that little guy gets his fill of special presents. It's so fun to see kids get all worked up about their birthdays.