Wednesday, April 6, 2011

When Sickness Strikes...

...I'm armed and ready...
...with a rocking chair, soft blanket, trashcan for catching bodily explosions, two kinds of pain & fever medicine, a shiny spoon, and the best thermometer I've ever used.
My parents got us that forehead thermometer a while back; and once I read the directions and really figured out how to use it, I discovered that it was much more accurate and consistent than I originally thought.  Now, I love that thing and wouldn't want to face an illness without it.

Speaking of illness... (and no, I'm not complaining, just recording the facts)...  :)

* Tobin joined Shav in the sick camp today.

* I've seen more vomit in the past few days than I had in a very long time before that.

* Our laundry room reeks.

* The hardest part for me of a period of illness like this--besides the tiny arrow of fear that pierces through my armor of faith ("is this just a common virus, or is there something seriously wrong with my child's health??")--is standing at the sink in the laundry room, scraping the vomit off garments or pillows or what-have-you before I toss them in the washing machine.  That first episode of vomiting, when the entire contents of the stomach are emptied, is just rough, no matter how you look at it.  And cleaning up from that is no picnic.  I don't have a particularly sensitive stomach; but regardless, I start to churn a little when I have to deal with that NASTY laundry.

* Aren't you glad I didn't take a picture to illustrate that last point?  ;-)

* My most fervent prayer, in regards to this season of sickness, is that God in His great mercy would preserve Josiah's health until this weekend is over.  The reason is because Josiah has two concerts with the SVCC this weekend, and I want so badly for him to be able to participate in those and not be stuck at home, sick and unable to sing when he worked so hard all semester to be ready for those.  If my sick household comes to your mind in the next few days, would you join me in praying that?

* Shav was obviously miserable today.  His fever persisted, and it seemed like he hardly knew what to do with himself during his wake times.  However, I discovered that this song...

...which we watched over and over and over, kept him happily occupied.  Oh, Mary Poppins, you're still giving your gift to the world!  :)


Bonnie said...

You poor thing, now it's my turn to wish I was closer and could help out!
Praying Josiah stays well, and for the rest of you!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh I will pray that J will stay well. What a disappointment having worked so hard to not be able to perform.

Vomit is one thing that really does me in. I just can't 'go' it at all, and begin to wretch just at the sight/sound/smell of it. (Almost talking about it right now, so must dash!)

Really hope you'll all be better soon, and that it doesn't go from person to person :(

Unknown said...

Will also be praying your Josiah gets to sing in his concert. And that the bug soon passes. I agree, nothing worse than sickness - bleugh!

Anonymous said...

ooo no fun I hope everyone feels better soon! I love that thermometer too!!! We have the same one!

Lisa said...

Oh Davene! We've SOOOO been there...twice this winter. The smell...yeah, that's the worst.

I really pray it passes soon and everyone feels better.

ps. LOVE the thermometer...might need to find one for our house.

Misty said...

Oh, Davene! I will be praying that God in His great mercy will completely pass over Josiah (and David and you and Jeff) with this illness and that Shav and Tobin recover quickly! Also that He will grant you the peace and patience and compassion and energy it takes to be the mom of little ones who aren't feeling well! Love you!

Sara @ Embracing Destiny said...

Oh, Davene! So sorry about the boys and the yuckiness. I'm definitely praying! I know just how you feel about the situation, too. In comparison to the suffering that some others face/have faced, it's a light burden. However, in your heart, it's always difficult to watch your kids suffering, whether it's a stomach virus or a skinned knee. What a blessing that our heavenly Father knows it all, understands it all, and cares about it all, without us even needing to say a word.

Sarah-Anne said...

praying!! the throw up thing is no fun. :(