Monday, April 11, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

"Reluctantly," say the peas.  For some strange reason, we have not had good success with growing peas since we moved back here...and that's a shame because, not only do I love to eat peas, I also LOVE to shell them. Really and truly.  I do believe shelling peas just might be my favorite garden job.  But at the rate these little fellows are going, I won't get to have much fun doing that task this year.  At least they're already doing better than last year's crop!  ;-)

So, how does your garden grow?

"Surprisingly!" says the lettuce, which sprouted up without being planted.  We call these perky plants, "volunteers," and we're always happy to spot them amidst the weeds that also sprout up without being planted!

So, how does your garden grow?

"Exuberantly!" say the onions, who are the undisputed kings of our springtime garden.  Jeff planted five long rows of them, and it looks as if we'll have a wonderful harvest.
One can never have too many onions, you know.  ;-)


Wonder said...

woo hoo!
you won the Seeds Planting God's Word in your Heart cd :).
you can e-mail your address to

have a great day!

Davene Grace said...

I'm so excited. So, so, SO excited! Thank you!!!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh Davene, how wonderful your garden looks. I can tell you, if my peas ever look that good, I'll be delighted! Oh, the flavour of home-grown onions.... no comparison with shop-bought ones. Fabulous!

Sally said...

You love to shell peas? That's good news. If mine produce a harvest of a hundred fold, I'll be calling you. I've had years of little success with peas, for varied reasons including using old seed (mistake). But one year, we had peas like nobody's business and I spent long nights shelling peas.

Your garden looks really good, as far as I can tell. And if you have plenty of pea plants that look like that one, I'd say they are doing just fine. Mine look the same, I think.

Anonymous said...

oohh look at all those wonderful plants!!

Davene Grace said...

Sally - YES! Call me! I'd be DELIGHTED to shell your peas! You can drop off a five-gallon bucket (or two or three...), and I'll happily work on them for you. It would be a pleasure!

I think using old seed has been one of our mistakes, too. Well, that and having an abundant wild rabbit population around here. I can't help but think that might have something to do with it. :)

Stacey said...

oh I love seeing this! I am so excited to get my garden going I can hardly stand it! I do have left over green onions in the garden that somehow survived the hard freeze and long winter and they are thriving. Our Garlic is also coming up very nicely. Thank you so much for posting this. it does a heart good to see a garden growing.

Elizabeth said...

Your garden is beautiful Davene! You fill me up with inspiration! Spring is hear yay!!!

Much love!

P.S. I love your new profile picture!

Sally said...

Davene, I've heard that putting human hair around the garden keeps rabbits away. Since Jeff has a barbarshop, you just might be able to test that theory of rabbit control. (Let me know if it works.)

Sarah-Anne said...

nope, never too many onions! i have to say they're kinda a favorite of mine...