Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Farmer Boy, Fisher Style

Jeff didn't get passionate about gardening until...what?...his late 30's or so? (and wow, am I ever glad he did, because his efforts have yielded a HUGE amount of delicious, nutritious food for our family!!); but this third son of ours has been enthusiastic about all things outdoors since infancy, it seems.
 And now, when Jeff has a day off and heads out to the garden to work, he has a little shadow named Tobin.
 While Jeff runs the tiller, Tobin follows behind, sometimes literally stepping in Jeff's footsteps.
 It makes me smile to see him walk this way.  :)

 This morning as I watched, Tobin scooped down and picked up a handful of dirt...
 ...including, as I learned when I walked closer, an earthworm.  :)
 Worms are our friends.  :)
 I find much enjoyment from watching this boy of ours grow up into the man God created him to be.
And whatever else that man will do, I hope he gets at least a little piece of ground (and maybe a big one!) to use in following in the footsteps, not only of his earthly daddy who loves to garden and has experimented with having various animals, but his heavenly one, too, who created this great big marvelous world and all the astounding creatures in it!!

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