Thursday, May 29, 2014

When Rain Keeps Boys inside All Day... evening, they may be creating new dance routines (this particular one was named Bouncy Ball Round and was mostly thought up by Josiah with some input from David) and perfecting their synchronization

They've got to get their energy out somehow, you know!  :)


sally said...

Oh, I love this, I love this, I LOVE this! A great way to burn off energy, no fighting, and such advanced choreography for a dance invented in one day! It was just too cute when Moriah started clapping on the dance floor. I bet she loved every minute of it. I might just have to show this to my kids. It might jump-start something on the next rainy day.

Julie said...

So fun! Before you know it, you will be "family dancing" at a wedding. Enjoy these moments, as I know that you do.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a great cardio workout which is always encouraged on a rainy day!! Great job Josiah and David!

Valerie said...

Fun! I haven't taped off my floor in ages. Thanks for the reminder. :) Moriah was ADORABLE joining in with the boys. And the boys... very nice routine. Looks like it was a rainy day, well spent.