Friday, February 15, 2013

We're Still Playing

Back in October, I wrote about how I often let the boys play while I'm reading to them for school.

Guess what?  We're still playing.  :)

This morning, I pulled out a couple of boxes of dominoes and our popcorn tin full of little cars and suggested to the boys that they build some roads and drive some cars on them while I read to them.  They happily did so...
 ...and I soaked in the sight of their creativity at work.
 After a while, Tobin and Shav got a little too noisy with their play, so I suggested to them that they might want to go up to their room where they could play with their train tracks and be noisier, and they exclaimed, "yeah!", and headed up the stairs.
After more time had gone by, eventually both Josiah and David wandered away from this activity and both ended up in the recliner with me--Josiah sitting beside me and David sort of hanging over the top of it.  We were a little lot squished, but I didn't mind.  These days of cuddling and reading together are swiftly passing, and I want to treasure them fully while they are here.  One of my all-time favorite things to do with my kids is read to them, so today when I had read for a while from our book about the writing and signing of the Constitution and then asked Josiah and David if I should stop (because it was getting close to lunch time), I was quite pleased when they said, "No, no!"

It didn't take much to convince me to keep reading.  So I did.  All the way to the end of the book.

I love homeschooling.  :)


Valerie said...

My kids love it when I read to them. We are currently reading Charlotte's Web. When I ask if I should stop reading I usually have a chorus of no's... with one 3 year old YES thrown in. :)

Anonymous said...

So fun!! I need to do a better job of finding things for Sammy to play while we read. We just started reading Little House in the Big Woods and Sammy is really enjoying it!

mamajil said...

Love it!!! My kids do the same thing!!