Thursday, September 6, 2012

What Josiah Made in Pottery Class

Josiah was so eager to take a pottery class this past summer--almost as eager as I was to see what all he made during that time!  :)  It surely was fun to go on the pick-up date and have his pieces (some done on the wheel, some done just by hand) revealed in all their glazed/fired/etc. glory.  
Here are some of my favorites...
He called this one a jungle house; but for some reason, it reminded me of...
...the Stone Table in Narnia.
This is a tablet on which he wrote in Viking runes.  I have no idea what it says.  I don't speak (or read, or write) Viking, but apparently Josiah does.  :)
I like this bowl very much...
...and this one, too...
...but this one... my favorite.  Already we've used it to hold pistachios and, another time, to hold chopped onions.
How fun to watch Josiah grow and develop his God-given interests and abilities!  And if I end up with a few hand-made, one-of-a-kind, impossible-to-duplicate bowls in the process, even better.  I'll be proud to use them on my table.  :)


Margie said...

This is SO COOL. I think if I show Elizabeth "Aslan's Table," she'll say it reminds her of a fairy house. Or perhaps I'm saying that because that was my first impression! Love all his pieces, but am especially fond of the Viking runes. Did he get that idea from a book?

Davene Grace said...

Margie - yes, he did! It's a slim book called "The Vikings Activity Book" by David Wilson. I don't even remember when or where we got it, but we've had it for a number of years; and every once in a while, Josiah goes to our History bookshelf, pulls this one off it, and goes through the book again. From it, he learned the runes; and for a while, he was even keeping a daily journal in Viking runes! :) His initiative and self-directed creativity make me happy. :)

THANK YOU, by the way, for all the lovely comments on various posts today. You surely know how to brighten my day and put a smile on my face. :)