Saturday, February 4, 2012

The "Battle" in Our Home

The experts say the battle begins in our homes--the battle to restore truth and honor and righteousness and integrity in our country.  Win the battle in the homes, and the war is over.  I'm inclined to agree with them.

Fact is, we have a battle nearly every day here in our home.  Sometimes it's in the kitchen, sometimes in the living room, sometimes in the boys' bedrooms, and sometimes even in the bathtub.  Sometimes it involves Star Wars figures, sometimes the creatures from Atlantis, sometimes the Greeks against the Persians, and sometimes man against wild beast.  In these battles, the good guys and the bad guys are always clearly delineated, the good always wins, and no blood gets spilled.  Yes, many battles begin right here in our home.  ;-)

Would you like to see the latest one?

If you came for a visit, you might come into our living room and think that our couch is just a couch.
But you'd be overlooking the fact that hiding just beneath it is a powerful army, ready for battle.
You might look across the room and see a card table with a half-done puzzle on it.
But you might not notice that lurking behind the legs of table and chairs are soldiers with drawn weapons and ever-present alertness for enemy movements.
You also might miss the braves using our old school desk for cover... they plan their coming attack.
 But if you sat on our couch and started to feel sharp little stings around your ankles, it undoubtedly would be the work of Sioux or Pawnee arrows.
 And if you sat down to work on the puzzle, you might feel little men climbing up your pant legs, seeking the benefit of higher ground and the advantage it gives over the enemy.  Just pray their minuscule guns don't accidentally go off during their ascent.
In any case, when it comes to battles...
 ...I think it's apparent that we have plenty of those going on here in our home.  We must be doing something right.
Wait.  What's that you said, Mr. Expert?  This isn't exactly the kind of battle you were talking about?


Well, whatever you do, don't tell that to the warriors.  After all, they're awfully serious about the way they fight; and it wouldn't do to discourage them in their heroism.  ;-)


Anonymous said...

Yikes I hope they didn't attack you ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is so cute! It reminds me of one of my favorite movies--Night at the Museum.