Friday, October 7, 2011

The Peaceful Moments of the Day (and How to Have More of Them)

This hasn't been the easiest week for me.  For one thing, I can't seem to beat my fatigue; the late-night, after-the-kids-are-in-bed burst of energy that I *always* get seems to have disappeared, and I find myself d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g around, unable to really get much accomplished.  What's more, an abundance of fatigue seems to have a direct correlation to a deficit of kindness and gentleness and patience; and I'm sure the boys' short fuses and heated words at each other are related to my lack of the fruits of the Spirit.  So, for that reason, I'm prescribing myself a very early bedtime tonight.  I'm gonna see if a little more sleep means a whole lot more peace.  

Since all four of my boys are happily occupied at the moment (one still in bed, and the other three outside chasing a grasshopper with the neighbors), I decided to seize this moment to jot this post.  Not all of our moments were peaceful today, but a few were.  And these, I want to remember.

First thing this morning, I discovered Josiah and Tobin sharing a couch and a blanket as they each looked at books, and David on the other couch, also reading.
 When Shav saw that, he knew just what to do:  grab a book and join the party.  I like that kind of party.  The quiet kind.  :)
Later, as we did some activities for school, each of the boys was in their place at the kitchen table...
...and I rejoiced in the sight of four dear heads, each bent contentedly over his task.
The week may have been hard, my energy may have been lacking, but my cup still overflows and my blessings are still abundant.  Hopefully tonight, my sleep will be abundant, too.  :)


Sarah-Anne said...

wishing you a good restful nights sleep friend! :)

Anonymous said...

I have been dragging this week too.. Tim and I have been under the weather not once but twice in the last week and a half.. I am just now starting to get sick for the second time.. lets hope its short lived! Early bedtime over here too!

Sally said...

What lovely pictures of peace and harmony! I'm sorry you're having so much tiredness. I wanted to do something for you this week, but then I was stricken with a nasty head cold and have been dragging like a rock. Maybe next week.

I love how you have all the children doing "school activities" at the same time. I have to put Marie in the pak 'n 'play when we're doing school if she's awake, because otherwise all she wants to do is climb up on Paul's chair behind him and try to get his things. Maybe next year when she's 2 years old she can sit and color.

I hope you get a lot of good rest tonight and have a wonderful weekend.

Stacey said...

Hoping you got some rest!!!
It is amazing how exhausted one can feel while growing a little one in their womb. I used vitamin B12 it helped a little. Wishing you good nights of much rest!