Actually, I think what's motivating it is the fact that a few nights ago, I sorted through my drafts here on this blog and discovered that I had 24 posts that I had started but never finished. Two dozen. Yikes! So, I'm trying to clean up my act--or at least my posts folder--and lower that number of unpublished posts.
On top of that, I spent some time last week reading through TTT posts on my old blog, and I discovered again that they're some of my favorite posts. It's such a joy to remember some of the things my boys said at various stages of their young lives; and it's amazing how, just by reading a quote from them, I can often remember a whole scene or situation and even recall a host of details about what transpired. That's the power of a TTT post. :)

Before we eat supper together, Jeff reads from a devotional book; and at the end of that day's reading, there are a couple of questions. Josiah (age 9) always gets to answer one, and so does David (age 6). Recently, Jeff has been making up an extra question, so that Tobin (age 3) will get to have a turn, too. :) David is notorious for tuning out during the reading--although, truth be told, sometimes he looks like he's tuned out, but he's actually hearing and remembering everything. We always know when he was indeed paying attention, however, because when Jeff asks him a question and David gets a blank look, pauses, and then obviously makes up an answer, it's pretty clear that his mind was elsewhere! Sometimes the answers he invents are creative and close to being right; but other times, they're not even in the ballpark.
On this particular evening, Jeff was reading about the death of Jesus; and the text told about how, when Jesus stopped breathing, the curtain in the temple was torn, and an earthquake came, rocks were split, the captain of the Roman guard was terrified, etc. Very dramatic stuff! You'd think all of that might capture the attention of a six-year-old! However, when Jeff asked David his question, "What happened when Jesus stopped breathing?", David was silent for longer than he should have been, and then he came up with this answer: "Umm...he died."
Well, dear boy, we hold these truths to be self-evident. Yes, Jesus did die when he stopped breathing. But that's NOT the answer we were looking for!! :)
As we were driving into town earlier this afternoon, Tobin and Shav were looking for tractors, so to make conversation (and because of the love Tobin has had for animals since a very young age), I said, "Tobin, maybe you'll be a farmer when you grow up!"
He immediately said to me, "Maybe YOU'LL be a farmer when you grow up!"
OK. I think I am up. I don't plan on doing much more growing; neither do I plan to have a middle-life crisis and suddenly take up farming. But sure thing, Tobin, maybe I'll be a farmer someday, and you and I can drive tractors together. :)
Then Tobin turned to Josiah and asked, "What are you going to be when you grow up?" Without waiting for an answer, Tobin said, "A lion?"
I guess we'd better talk about the difference between occupations and animals--the things you CAN choose v. the things you can't. He's got a lot to learn... ;-)
You can find more Tiny Talk from Mary at Not Before 7:00.
I think lions like to harvest too.
LOL both of those were great!!
Haha! Love it Davene!
that's great. :) love the lion comment.
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