Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Off Button

Sometimes, the most helpful part of the computer is...
 ...the off button.
I've been trying to use it more.  After realizing how many minutes of my day I give to the computer, I decided a little while back to--in normal circumstances--allow myself three windows of time each day to get on the computer, check email and Facebook, blog, etc.:  around breakfast time in the morning, during the boys' afternoon naps/quiet time, and after the boys are in bed at night.  That is not to say that I *never* go online at other times, so if I happen to send you an email or "like" one of your posts on Facebook at a time that is not included in those windows of computer time, please don't yell at me.  :)  But in general, those are the times that I feel fine with allowing myself to be on the computer.

And then, after I'm done?  The best part.  Shutting down the computer.  Turning it off.  Hearing the silence as the motor stops humming.  Switching my attention to other projects and needs.  Focusing more on my boys while they're still young enough to be here, under my roof.  Yes, the off button is a beautiful thing.

I'm going to be keeping the computer off for a few days.  Thanks to the beauty and wonder of Blogger's post options, I've scheduled some posts to publish every now and then.  But I'll be away from the computer, so if you're looking for some kind of online presence or response from me, you won't get it.  Don't be surprised.  :)

If all goes as planned, I'll return to the online world sometime this coming week.  Until then, friends, may your days be touched by the strong, sweet hand of God...and may you faithfully respond, as you hear His voice calling to you.


Elizabeth said...

Awesome and encouraging! I too can easily find myself lost in the world of the great wide web, and I too just savor those moments when I step away from it all and live in the here and now in MY home, not in someone else's! :)

Sally said...

Good for you! I'm finding myself spending less time on my blog than I want, but I seem to have so much real life living to do that I can't squeeze it in! Hopefully soon.

Have some good "off" days!

Mike and Katie said...

For a while my computer would just randomly shut off. I took it as a sign to go do something else. When ever it would happen I would think about posting some kind of FB status about my new spend-less-time on the computer strategy but since my computer was off, that was hard to do. ;)

Once it got to the point that I couldn't do the online stuff I needed to do, I had to send it in for repairs.

Sarah-Anne said...

i know what you mean; managing computer is a toughie for me...i'm glad we're starting school because that helps with cutting back on blogging/emails/Twitter, you know what i'm saying?
i'll miss your online presence friend!! have a great blogging break, OK? :)