Sunday, February 12, 2017

When My Creative Energy Is Gone

I had intended to write a blog post tonight--a real blog post, with actual thoughts being expressed through words.  But then I helped both Tobin and Josiah with speeches for upcoming tournaments (yes, Tobin is preparing one, too...for a Juniors tournament next month), and just like that, all my creative energy was gone.

Will a blog post with a few little video snippets suffice instead?  :)

The first two videos are from February 4--the first is Benjamin doing the singsong vocalization that he often does when we travel somewhere.  It's a little hard to hear his voice over the sound of the van.  My apologies for that!

In this one, Moriah shows us how she can "read" a book--an activity she has been enjoying quite a bit recently.

The next one is from February 5, when we were at the home of some friends for a Super Bowl party.  Dear Miss Janie from our church was helping Benjamin ride this horse.  Benjamin was more interested in pulling the mane!  (He loves to pull hair--his own included!)
And lastly, on February 10, Benjamin had a ball scooting around on this smooth, shiny floor while Josiah had his biology class.
Maybe tomorrow, I'll discover a new supply of creative energy!

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