Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Snow Day! In the Spring!

Blogging has fallen so far down on the priority list that I hardly know how to resurrect it!  And yet, I can't convince myself to let it go entirely.  I feel as if I ought to do some kind of a catch-up post; but lacking the time to do justice to that, I'm going to simply dive back in with a simple, picture-heavy post.

This winter was sorely lacking in snow, but today--much to the delight of all of the residents of my household--we finally got a sizable amount!  

Yes, it's officially spring.  :)  

No matter.  We'll take snow anytime, in any season it decides to arrive!  :)

We don't have any kind of sledding hill at our new home, but the snow today was perfect for packing, so snowmen were made and snowballs were thrown at each other, and all that lovely white stuff was heartily enjoyed before the temperatures warm in the next day or two and the snow disappears.

This was the first time that Benjamin had really been out in snow, and he had a ball traipsing around in it.  Now there are eight of us in the snow-lover category!  :)


Julie said...

Thanks for the peek! Major mom props for having snow gear for all and kids who wanted to play outside. Chloe made bank shoveling sidewalks. Mairi went out for a little bit in piecemeal gear gathered from bins in the basement. Gone are the days of everyone playing in snow it seems, at least for this year. Your kids look like they are having such fun!!!

Emily said...

Don't give up the blogging! Even if it is sporadic!

Anonymous said...

Dear Davene,

I really hope you shall resume blogging very soon. I really enjoy to read your talented writing and reading about your family and the blessings that God brings your way. Looking forward to many more posts on this blog!
