Monday, October 21, 2013


This morning, in my customary Monday morning burst of energy and enthusiasm, I stripped the sheets from my bed, washed and dried them, then replaced them, adding another blanket to ward off the chill of the nights, now that it's really beginning to feel like frosty fall.

This evening, I sat down beside the woodstove, listened to the crackle of the fire, and read for a little while before finishing up the tasks of the day and crawling into my fresh-sheeted bed.  I happened to pick up a little book called Being Home, and there in its pages I read this...

Making the Bed

Plumping the pillow.  Pulling on the sheets.
The bed reminds me that I am creating
my future every moment.

If I leave a mess, I will find what I left
sooner or later.  I will not be exonerated
from any of my actions--
though knowing Your love, I will be forgiven much.

Here is a good place to pray.
I ask that You remind me in making the bed
to care for the future in the present,
being mindful also of my deathbed.

Help me to treasure this moment
which always returns me,
now and at the end, to You.

~ Gunilla Norris, from Being Home

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