Thursday, May 9, 2013

This Post Is NOT about Moriah

Yesterday, a friend on Facebook chided me (gently, of course)  ;-)  for letting Moriah dominate the photos I've taken recently.  She wanted to see pictures of Jed, she said.

Well then, since I aim to please, here are some pictures of Jed.  Just Jed.  No Moriah.  This post isn't about Moriah, so I'm not going to talk about her or put a photo of her in here or anything.  No way.  That's final!

So here's the first picture of Jed, taken this afternoon.
 Hey, wait a minute!!!  Who's that cutie pie looking out from the playpen??  Why...I think it' can't be...after all, I said I wasn't gonna...but would you look at that?  There she is!  HOW did THAT happen???
 It's simply inconceivable that some pictures of Moriah landed in this post!  I'm really flabbergasted...just beside myself with astonishment at the coincidence!  ;-)
 Jed really gets to have the best of both worlds...
 ...sometimes he's inside with his people friends...
 ...and sometimes he's running outside with his best doggie friend.  That's Molly, our original dog that we got more than 7 years ago when she was just a puppy.  She's always been an outdoor dog and doesn't particularly like the indoors, the few times we've brought her into our house.  So she stays in the pasture and gets to run and play with Jed when he comes out.  :)
 When we bought Jed, his previous owners told us that he is purebred but couldn't be registered because there's something wrong with his tail.
But I don't think there's anything wrong with him.  I think he is JUST RIGHT for us!!!  :)

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