
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

In the Good Old Summertime

That old song has been running through my head so often these days.  What old song, you ask?  This one.  :)

Because these days of beauty and peace are summertime.  And they are good.


In the summertime, we find new ways to relax.

But we also work - together - which makes even time-consuming jobs like preserving food go much more quickly and in a much more enjoyable way than working alone would!
 On the morning of Shav's birthday, for example, we worked on canning green beans; the birthday boy was a happy helper.  :)
 In the summertime, we welcome Aunt Helen, my Chicago aunt, to our home...and we even give her a place at the table as we work on our summer projects (just like we did last year).  :)
But we don't make her work all the time.  We gave her, during her most recent visit, a little time off to enjoy our pool!  ;-)

...and to play some games of Scrabble Slam with Josiah and David.

Summer is a wonderful time to practice walking the balance beam between the extremes of too much work and too much play.  :)


Well, since that song is still swirling through my head, how about another rendition of it?  :)


  1. It looks like she is having a wonderful visit.


  2. Thanks, Davene. That's what I was looking for. Sure had a great time!!


Thank you...
~ for taking a moment to spill your thoughts,
and, in so doing,
~ for being a blessing to those of us who read these words!