
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

OK, This Is Getting Ridiculous

Besides the normal tasks to be done at the end of a day, here are the things that I accomplished tonight:
~ I finished reading Anne of Avonlea, the second in the Anne series (I exerted great self-control, however, and did NOT start the third one, even though I would have enjoyed it very much)  ;-)
~ I ate the rest of the Breyer's mint chocolate chip ice cream that was in our freezer (ooo, Jeff's not going to be happy with me when he reads this)  ;-)
~ I looked up info about a gymnastics camp that David might be interested in doing this summer
~ I found the phone number of someone I need to call tomorrow
~ I worked at reducing the number of emails in my inbox and successfully got them from 514 all the way down to 444
~ I sent eight emails
~ I started two blog posts that will be posted on certain dates in June

Here is what I did NOT accomplish:
~ I didn't finish the Violin Guys post with the rest of the pictures from Emily!  :(  The problem is that, besides just sharing the pictures, I want to write some thoughts, too--about our Suzuki experience and some of the things that stand out to me from the past few years.  Because I haven't made the time to do that, I'm procrastinating about the pictures, too.  :(

But here are a few more...and the last one makes me laugh...  :)


  1. It sounds like you got a lot done.

  2. I continue to be impressed that you make time to read for pleasure! You should hold classes to teach the rest of us how to manage our time and organize our lives!

  3. teehee, love that last picture :)

    I have had to stop checking out books from the library for awhile. I have no control and will stay up til 1am just to finish it. It always seems worth it until the first kid comes in and says "Mommy, are you getting u soon?"

    Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures.


Thank you...
~ for taking a moment to spill your thoughts,
and, in so doing,
~ for being a blessing to those of us who read these words!