
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wordless Wednesday {She's One Month Old Today!}


  1. soooo sweet! Love the shirt! :-)

  2. Thanks, friends! I love that shirt, too...especially because it was a gift from my brother David and his wife Lori. I'm sure Lori is the one who picked it out, but I'm also sure that David must agree with the sentiment on the shirt because, after all, I'm his little sister, and he must think I rock. Right? ;-)

    By the way, since I didn't do an official one-month post, I'll mention it here that when we weighed Moriah on her one-month birthday, she was 10 pounds, 4 ounces. She's definitely growing!! :)


Thank you...
~ for taking a moment to spill your thoughts,
and, in so doing,
~ for being a blessing to those of us who read these words!