
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday {This Makes Jeff Happy}


  1. WHOA! not sure i could handle all that hot stuff in my house.

  2. You picked more than a peck of peppers!

  3. Not sure if I have mentioned this before... We have friends here in utah, last name Fisher. He keeps a supply of peppers that he pickles himself. He calls them "Fisher's Finest Peppers". Boy are they hot! I see your photo as Fisher's Finest hahaha. gorgeous too by the way.

  4. Watch those hands!!! Those little peppers can burn for days on hands (and mouths and other skin....). They seem to have a knack for finding any little cuts in the skin!

    That's a bunch of peppers! Have fun with them. :)

  5. Tim just got super jealous ;-)

  6. Thanks, friends! I loved each of your comments. :)

    Melani, you are so right about the hands! But Jeff NEVER wears gloves when he works with jalapenos, and it doesn't ever bother him...unless he somehow forgets and puts his hands in his eyes. Then it burns like fire. That man is incredible: iron stomach that can tolerate food so spicy it would melt my tongue in one bite ;-) AND iron hands that can touch jalapenos without flinching. I think he's consumed so many jalapenos in his lifetime that he's somehow become immune to them. :)

  7. You have a darling site! (And my husband is a HUGE pepper fan. Me? Not so much!)


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~ for taking a moment to spill your thoughts,
and, in so doing,
~ for being a blessing to those of us who read these words!