
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Goggly Eyes

Today was errand day in town for us, and one of our stops happened to be at the dollar store where Jeff let the boys choose an item that they wanted.  Not surprisingly, David, our young thespian, chose something guaranteed to make us laugh.  See?
If that boy can entertain or act or dress up or somehow perform, he does it--wholeheartedly.  Life isn't dull for long when David is around.  :)

The glasses with goggly eyes got shared with someone else.  See?
This is what Jeff looks like after a day spent running errands in town with all of his noisy boys and his wife along, too.  ;-)

Strangely, the goggly eyes disappeared an hour or so after we got home.  David is certain he took them up to his room, but we cannot find them anywhere, despite the efforts of several search parties.  It's a shame, really.  I was so looking forward to wearing those glasses for my next maternity picture.  ;-)


  1. Eww, yuck. They're ugly, but now if you DO find them you HAVE to wear them for a maternity picture!! :P

  2. OK, Miriam, I long as you agree to wear them for one of your maternity pictures, if I send them along to you after I'm done with them. Deal? ;-)

  3. I bet they will show up and when they do I really want to see you wear them.

  4. Davene, hmm... I'm tempted to say "deal" just to see you wearing them :P LOL!!

  5. LOL those are hilarious!!

  6. ohmygoodness, that is too funny. looking forward to those maternity pictures ;)


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